Football game this Saturday! Rams Head ONLY open 9 AM - 12 PM. All other facilities CLOSED. Learn More

Rules & Policies

Pool Guest Policy

Members who have a valid Campus Recreation membership may bring up to 2 guests per person per day. Guest passes may be purchased from a lifeguard at the guard check-in table for $5.00 per person. Guest passes are not transferable. Guests must adhere to all established facility rules and regulations and must sign a waiver form upon purchasing the guest pass. Sponsors are responsible for the conduct of their guests and must accompany them at ALL times in the pool area. Children must always be accompanied by an adult 18 years or older. A guardian must sign the waiver on behalf of any child under 18 years old. Guest passes are valid for the day of the guest pass purchase only.

UNC General Pool Rules 

The following is prohibited:

  • Glass bottles on the pool decks
  • Street shoes
  • Running, pushing, shoving, or horseplay on the decks or in the water
  • Chewing gum in the pool
  • Foul or abusive language
  • Extended breath holding in the water
  • Hanging on lane lines
  • Band-Aids in the pool
  • Eating in the pool or at the pool wall
  • Diving from the deck into less than 9 feet of water
  • Rigid diving sticks
  • Bikes on the pool decks or balcony
  • Pets on the pool decks

Showering before entering the pools is required.

Children who are non-swimmers must wear Coast Guard approved personal flotation devices or remain within arm’s reach of an adult at all times.

Infants are required to wear plastic swim covers with elastic leg bands over swim diapers at all times.

Starting blocks for competitive or class use only. Pike, scoop, or shoot starts are not permitted by anyone including visiting swimming teams.

Diving is restricted to lanes 2-7 in Bowman Gray Memorial Pool. Lanes 1 and 8 are only 7 feet and therefore too shallow for diving.

Diving is prohibited in Kessing Pool.

Flotation devices are not permitted unless they are Coast Guard approved.

The only approved equipment to be used in the pool is available on the deck. Toys may be brought in during recreation swim, but must be kept under control and cannot interfere with the activities of other swimmers.

Weather Policy

Upon the first sighting of lightning or sound of thunder, the pool will be cleared and everyone will be sent off the pool deck for 30 minutes after the last lightning is spotted or thunder is heard.