All facilities will close at 6 PM on 1/22. SRC & Rams will reopen at 9 AM on 1/23. Check back for updates. Learn More

Outdoor Gear Rental

Go on your own adventure! Rent equipment from Carolina Adventures to go on your own expedition like paddleboarding, backpacking, and more.

Location & Request Form

All equipment rental pick ups and returns will take place at the Rams Head Recreation Center front desk during Gear Rental open hours: Fridays 4pm to 8pm.

Complete the online Equipment Rental Request form 72 hours prior to your desired pickup time.

**Filled out the request form and haven’t heard back? Check your spam folder!**

Equipment Rates & Availability

Equipment rental pricing is based on rental period, not per day. The following rental prices are based on a weekend rental period (Friday-Monday with variable pickup and return times) and a weekly rental period (Friday-the following Monday/10 days later).

  Item Weekend Rental Fee Weekly Rental Fee
Tents 2 Person Tent $12 $32
  4 Person Tent $14 $38
Sleeping Systems 30 Degree Sleeping Bag $8 $20
  50 Degree Sleeping Bag $8 $20
  Folding Sleeping Pad (free with sleeping bag rental) $2 $6
  Inflatable Sleeping Pad $4 $12
Backpacks Internal Frame Backpack (65 liter) $8 $20
Stoves and Cooking Units Backcountry Stove (fuel not included) $6 $16
  2-burner Coleman Stove (fuel not included) $8 $20
  Camp Cook Kit $4 $12
Climbing Gear Climbing Shoes $4 $12
  Crash Pad $8 $20
Boating Gear Inflatable Standup Paddleboard (SUP) $30 $80
  Wetsuit $6 $16
  PFD $4 $12
Coolers Small Backpack Cooler $4 $12
  50 Liter Cooler $10 $26
Miscellaneous  Hammock with Straps $8 $20
  Headlamp $4 $12
  Folding Camp Chair $4 $12
  Hiking Poles $6 $16

How to Rent

  • RESERVE: Complete the online Equipment Rental Request form AT LEAST 72 hours prior to your desired pickup time. Walk in rentals are accepted the day the equipment is needed; however, availability of equipment is not guaranteed.
  • CONFIRM: Receive the confirmation email outlining details of your reservation.
  • PICKUP: On the date listed in your confirmation email, you can pick up your equipment at the Rams Head Recreation Center front desk. Please be sure to arrive at your designated time slot and bring your UNC OneCard to present to staff to verify ID.
  • PAYMENT: Payment must be completed at the time of your rental pickup. We only accept credit card payments.
  • RETURN: On the date indicated in your confirmation email, you can return your equipment to the Ram Head Recreation Center front desk. Please make sure to thoroughly check, clean, and dry your equipment before returning or a cleaning fee will be assessed.

Rental & Refund Policies

*We are currently not renting any equipment at this time.

Please read and understand the following Outdoor Gear Rental policies to ensure that your rental process runs smoothly. UNC Chapel Hill assumes no responsibility for accidents or injuries from the use of rental equipment. 

  • Equipment rentals are available to UNC Chapel Hill students that are enrolled in classes for the current semester and UNC Chapel Hill faculty and staff.
  • A valid UNC OneCard must be presented at time of rental pickup.
  • Renter must be 18 years of age or older to reserve or rent equipment.
  • All renters are required to fill out a Rental Waiver and Agreement at the time of equipment pickup.
  • Renter assumes sole liability for injuries/damages received while using the equipment. 
  • All rentals must be paid in full at the time of pick-up.
  • Renter agrees to return all equipment on their rental contract 1 hour prior to closing on Monday following their rental period.
  • Renter agrees to accept all charges applied to their account due to lost, stolen, damaged, or dirty gear post rental return.
  • NO REFUNDS will be issued for inclement weather, early returns, or lack of use.
  • Rental reservations must be canceled 1 business day prior to pick up date. In the event a reservation is not canceled, a cancellation charge of $10 will be assessed to the renter. Cancellations can be made via email at

Cleaning, Damage & Replacement Fees

Renter is liable for any late, damaged, lost and cleaning fees associated with their rental equipment. Assessment of fees will be the right of Carolina Adventures. This fee may be assessed at the time of the rental return or within the first week after the rental return. The Rental Manager has the right to assess gear and apply any of the following fees even after gear has been returned.

  • Late Fee: The renter will be assessed daily late fees for each day late. Late fees are the cost of the daily rental fee. We do not count days we are closed when calculating late fees. Items with multiple parts must be returned together or a late fee for the entire item will be assessed.
  • Cleaning Fee: The renter will be assessed a cleaning fee for each excessively dirty item.
  • Lost or Stolen Equipment Fee: The renter will be assessed Carolina Adventures cost for replacement. Replacement costs will be decided by the Program Manager.
  • Damaged Equipment Fee: The renter will be assessed Carolina Adventures cost for repairing any damaged item(s). Repair costs will be decided by the Program Manager.