All facilities have resumed normal operations as of 9 AM on 1/23. Check back for updates. Learn More

Accessible Facilities

Commitment to Inclusion

Campus Rec is committed to providing accessible programs and facilities for all patrons. In addition to compliance with all legal requirements for accessible facilities (ADA laws such as requirements related to ramps, elevators, pool lifts, etc), we strive to provide equipment (SciFit upper body ergometer, freemotion selectorized equipment, and more) designed for adaptive recreation. 

View this interactive map of UNC Chapel Hill for more information regarding ADA accessibility, gender-neutral restrooms, and other significant locations and services on campus.

There are currently two gender neutral restrooms on the first floor of the Student Recreation Center and two on the second floor, as well as one on the first floor of Rams Head Recreation Center.  

There is a gender neutral changing room with a shower at Bowman Gray Memorial Pool.

For specific questions about building accessibility, please contact Lauren Mangili