Outdoor Leadership Series
The Carolina Adventures Outdoor Leadership Series (OLS) is a full weekend programming where particiapnts will learn the basics of what Carolina Adventures has to offer. All three program areas of Carolina Adventures will be highlighted including the Climbing Program, Challenege Course, and Expeditions. Participants will learn skills in each of these areas that will help them apply and pursue a career in experiential education. If you have ever been interested in working for a camp, high-ropes course, guide service, or private climbing gym – or Carolina Adventures itself, this is a wonderful way to get involved and develope a base upon which to build these skills. Participants that complete the course will recieve a Outdoor Leadership Series certification. We look for a mixture of experience, passion, teach-ability, leadership, team spirit, and grit for our new hires and are glad that you are considering joining us for OLS!
Date: January 13-16, 2023
Time: All Day
Location: Outdoor Education Center
Cost: $75