Football game this Saturday! Rams Head ONLY open 9 AM - 12 PM. All other facilities CLOSED. Learn More

Special Events

NASM Personal Training Course


Dates: January 31-April 13, 2023, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9:30-11:00am

Registration: January 9-23, 2023

Cost: $350-$450

We’ll be offering the NASM Personal Training Course THIS Fall semester! Join us on Tu/Th, in-person, from 9:30-11:00AM. Course will run Sept. 13th – November 17th (10 weeks). Registration will open up at the start of the Fall semester, AUGUST 16TH. Hope to see you there! This course will only run if we get a certain number of students registered (at least 5). All CPT Training Programs include the following:

  • Self-Study with NASM’s Online Modules
  • Physical Book
  • In-Person Skills Training

The NASM Personal Training course is designed for people who aspire to take the National Academy of Sport Medicine (NASM) Personal Trainer Certification exam and become effective fitness professional. This 10-week program will have a blended learning approach, and will include a combination of online self-study, virtual instruction, and in-person practical skills training. The information covered will help students learn how to facilitate rapport and behavior change in clients, as well as design individualized programs based on each client’s unique health, fitness and performance goals. To explore the NASM curriculum, visit

Learn more and register on Stay Active