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Special Events

ACE Group Fitness Instructor Course


Dates: January 30-April 12, 2023, Mondays and Wednesdays, 2:00-3:30pm

Registration: January 9-26, 2023

Cost: $50-$75

We’ll be offering the ACE Group Fitness Instructor Training Course THIS Fall semester too! Join us on M/W, in-person, from 2:00-3:30PM. Course will run Sept. 12th – November 16th (10 weeks). Registration will open up at the start of the Fall semester. Hope to see you there! Registration for the course will open up AUGUST 16TH. The courses will only run if we get a certain number of students registered (at least 5). The course will include the following components:

  • Online Self-Study Modules
  • In-Person Skills Training
  • In-Person Instruction

The ACE Group Fitness Instructor Training Program follows the guidelines in the ACE (American Council on Exercise) Group Fitness Instructor Manual to prepare participants to take the test and become a certified instructor. This program is a 10 week commitment that includes both lecture and practical training components. Participants will receive training on exercise instruction fundamentals including physiology, biomechanics, class format and design, and the skill of teaching. All participants will be paired with a current instructor and team teach at least once a week for the majority of the semester. To explore the ACE curriculum, visit

Learn more and register on Stay Active