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Getting Involved

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is the difference between Sports Clubs and Intramural Sports?
  2. How do I join a club?
  3. What are the benefits of being a member of a sport club?
  4. Are the clubs competitive, recreational, or instructional?
  5. Does it cost money to participate in a sport club?
  6. How do I start a new sport club?


1) What is the difference between Sport Clubs and Intramural Sports?

This is the most popular question at our first-year student orientation sessions. Intramural sports are short-term, recreational activities that take place at UNC and only involve participants from Carolina. Sport Clubs are University recognized student organizations that are student-run and student-funded. Typically, these are year-round clubs that compete in intercollegiate competitions on a local, regional, and national scale.

2) How do I join a sport club?

Contact information for the individual clubs can be found by selecting one of the recognized clubs on the Sports Clubs Directory. Additional information can also be received by contacting Sport Programs Staff.

3) What are the benefits of being a member of a sport club?

The University of North Carolina’s Sport Club program gives each student an opportunity to take part in the leadership, responsibility and decision making process of club activities. The success of the sport club is solely dependent on the organization, management, professionalism and leadership shown by the club officers, advisors and coaches. It is created for students by students, under the supervision of the Sport Club Director and staff. Club members nominate student officers who run the day-to-day operations, which include scheduling practices, activities and games, working with league and conference officials, making all travel arrangements, and the financial management of the club.

4) Are the clubs competitive, recreational, or instructional?

There are currently 50 active sport clubs at UNC, and the diversity among clubs is one of the highlights our program. Some of our clubs are strictly competitive, recreational, or instructional, while others offer some combination of instruction or recreation along with a competitive factor as well. For example, many clubs allow members the opportunity to practice at UNC and the choice of whether or not to travel and compete in off-campus competitions.

5) Does it cost money to participate in a sport club?

Typically, yes there is some cost associated with joining a sport club. While the University is able to help financially support clubs to a limit, this usually does not cover the entire costs of club operations including travel, equipment, officials, and/or league fees. Many clubs charge annual dues in addition to fundraising and soliciting sponsorships and donations for their expenses. Dues vary depending on the club, and it is solely the decision of individual clubs on how much to charge its members.

6) How do I start a new sport club?

Clubs and/or individuals interested in affiliation with the Sport Clubs Council and Campus Recreation should use the suggestions outlined below as a guide for initiating a new club.  The Sport Clubs Council reviews new club applications in early spring (February) for membership beginning the following academic year (fall).

  1. Become a UNC Officially Recognized Student Organization through the Office of Student Life & Leadership. Any organization that wishes to become a Sport Club must have been an officially recognized organization for at least one year prior to petitioning to join the Sports Clubs Council.
  2. Set up an interest meeting with the Sport Clubs Administration.
  3. Submit an application to the Sport Clubs Administration requesting Sport Club Council recognition by the deadline (second Friday of February). The application must include:
    • A roster of prospective club members that includes the names and student identification numbers of all participants.
    • A copy of proposed budget for the current academic year.
    • A copy of the club’s constitution and by-laws or statement of purpose.
    • A tentative schedule of the club’s activities (practices and competitions) for the current year and potential facilities used to host the club’s activities.
    • A one-page narrative detailing the benefits of Sport Club Council Recognition to both the club and the Sport Club program.
  4. Once the application is received and reviewed by the Sport Clubs Administration, a hearing will be scheduled with members of the Sport Clubs Executive Board. The prospective club will be asked to present their application to the Executive Board. The Executive Board will then vote on whether or not to permit the prospective club into the Sport Clubs program. A simple majority is required to pass or defeat a group’s application.
  5. If admitted to the Sport Clubs program, all club members must sign a Release and Indemnity Agreement and return them to the Sport Club office before the club’s first practice or club activity.
  6. In addition, new clubs admitted to the Sport Club program are not eligible to apply for a budget allocation until they have been a member of the program for at least two semesters.

*It should be noted that the Department of Exercise and Sports Science, the Department of Campus Recreation, and the Sport Club program may, upon the advice of University officials and lawyers, prohibit activity in sport and/or club in which the risk of serious and/or fatal injury is unacceptably high.