All facilities operating normally this evening (1/21). All facilities will open at 9 AM tomorrow (1/22) and resume normal operations. Learn More

Nicole Betor


  • Sport Programs Supervisor and Intramural Official
  • From Shelby, North Carolina
  • Nutrition Major
  • Class of 2021

I’m on UNC’s Equestrian team, and am Co-President of NC-HCAP’s Health Careers Club. I do some independent work with the Public Health Institute which I love! But apart from academics I take lots of walks with my housemates, jam to music in my eno, watch football all weekend, and travel. My favorite part about Campus Rec is the community and interacting with participants. I love my coworkers and have a lot of fun with them each shift. I work for Campus Rec to encourage students to live a healthy active life, and to make the experience as enjoyable for them as possible!

FUN FACT: I want to work in Public Health!