Football game this Saturday! Rams Head ONLY open 9 AM - 12 PM. All other facilities CLOSED. Learn More

Irene Bethencourt


  • Challenge Course Facilitator
  • From Caracas, Venezuela
  • Nursing Major
  • Class of 2022

My goal is to be a person that spreads joy and an authentic excitement for life to those around me. I want to be someone that lives fully and intentionally. I want to make the most of the life  and the health I have been given and use it to do good to those around me. I am on my way to becoming a nurse and deciding which specialty I will focus on. At the moment I am very passionate about labor and delivery or pediatrics, as well as ICU. Since I started working for Campus Rec, I have learned that a good team-focused atmosphere is everything. I have never worked with such genuinely kind people and it is a constant reminder to me that kindness and respect will take you much further than competition and individualism will. It’s about working together and using a combination of skills to get further as a team than you would alone. It is a lesson that applies to my personal life as well as my professional life.

FUN FACT: I love music and singing.