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Heel Fit Group Training



What is Heel Fit?

Heel Fit is an inclusive small group training program designed to give participants 1 on 1 attention while giving them a sense of community. Our program is designed to enhance fitness through strength, power, and aerobic training as well as improving joint mobility. The goal is to provide participants of all fitness levels with an intentional, progressively linear, and interactive training program!

Why should I join?
  • All workouts are designed and led by our trained coaches who are with you for every class to provide options to meet your individual needs.
  • Each session builds on the previous session, ensuring you see consistent progress in your fitness.
  • If you are looking for a coach who cares about your individual needs and also fosters a sense of community for added motivation, come join us!
What to Expect?
  • Small Group Environment – max of 8 people per class
  • Comprehensive & Progressive Workout Program – the program works in 4-week strength blocks, and will progress from week to week. All in-person classes will be 50 minutes in length and include the following segments; pre-workout warm-up, main strength work, metabolic conditioning, accessory/core, post-workout recovery/stretch.
  • Coaching & Instruction – our skilled coaches are here to provide individualized options for every participant, to make sure each workout fits your individual needs
  • Inclusive Community – our duty is to help motivate, support, and encourage you no matter where you are at in your fitness and wellness journey. You belong here!
How to Join:
  1. Sign up for your Heel Fit Membership Pass (UNC Login Required)
  2. View Current Class Schedule & Details HERE
  3. Pre-register for all classes up to 48 hours in advance on Stay Active




Semester Pass = full access to unlimited classes from the start of the semester through the last day of classes

$75 $90

Month Pass = full access to unlimited classes for 30 days

$35 $40

Day Pass = access to 1 class

$10 $10

For any questions or concerns, please email Becky Eacho, Assistant Director for Fitness & Wellness, at