Locker Service
Daily Use Lockers
- This is a free service.
- Your One Card or Recreation Membership Card will be required to receive this service.
- Available at Fetzer Hall, Rams Head Recreation Center, Student Recreation Center, and Woollen Gymnasium.
- Digilock lockers are available at the Student Recreation Center. For these lockers, you can enter your own combination on a digital keypad.
- Combination locks are available for checkout at Rams Head Recreation Center front desk and the Fetzer and Woollen Equipment Rooms.
- Items must be removed from all daily use lockers before the facility closes each day. Locks left overnight will be removed and patrons may be subject to a clean out fee of $20.
Permanent Locker Service
- This is a free service.
- Your One Card or Recreation Membership Card will be required to receive this service.
- Available at Fetzer Hall and Woollen Gymnasium, and can be arranged at the Fetzer and Woollen Equipment Rooms respectively.
- Employee and adult family members are eligible for permanent locker service.
- Students are not eligible for permanent locker service.
- Each eligible member is limited to one permanent locker only, i.e. you cannot simultaneously hold a permanent locker at both Fetzer and Woollen.
- Permanent locker service is available for as long as membership is current, i.e. lockers do not need to be renewed for payroll deduction members.
- Please clean out your permanent locker as soon as recreation membership is canceled to avoid a clean out fee of $20.
Basket Service
- This is a free service.
- Your One Card or Recreation Membership Card will be required to receive this service.
- Available at Fetzer and Woollen Equipment Rooms.
- Basket service provides a small basket to hold toiletries and other items for an entire semester.
- All baskets include a combination lock that may be used with any daily use locker.
- Students are eligible to receive basket service.
Towel Service
- This is a free service.
- Your One Card or Recreation Membership Card will be required to receive this service.
- All students, employee, and adult family members may check out a large bath or small hand towel.
- Large bath towels are only available at the Fetzer and Woollen Equipment Rooms and the Rams Head Recreation Center front desk.
- Please present your UNC One Card or Recreation Membership Card when checking out a towel.
Clothing Service
- This is a free service.
- Your One Card or Recreation Membership Card will be required to receive this service.
- Clothing service is available to student members at Woollen Equipment Room and Rams Head front desk.
- Clothing service is available to employee and family members at Fetzer Equipment Room, Woollen Equipment Room, and Rams Head front desk.
- Clothing items available include t-shirts, shorts, socks, and jock straps.