Football game this Saturday! Rams Head ONLY open 9 AM - 12 PM. All other facilities CLOSED. Learn More

Commitment to Inclusion

Transgender Participation Guidelines

Intramural Sports

All eligible Intramural Sports participants may participate in accordance with their personal gender identity.

A participant’s gender identity is applied when there are gender-specific rules or player ratio requirements in co-rec leagues.  Once an individual identifies with a particular gender, they will remain in that classification until the end of that sport’s season.  An individual’s gender identity must be consistent across all Intramural Sports teams and leagues.

Sport Clubs

All eligible Sport Clubs participants may participate in accordance with their personal gender identity; however, each circumstance for Sport Clubs eligibility will be reviewed on a case by case basis according to the applicable National Governing Body’s policies and procedures.

In addition, transgender student athletes should be able to participate in any sport clubs activity as long as the individual athlete’s use of hormone therapy, if any, is consistent with the National Governing Body’s existing policy on banned medications.

More Information

Please direct questions to Jason Halsey, Director, Campus Recreation, at or 919-962-1013.  As needed, a team consisting of Campus Recreation administrators, the Director or designee from the UNC LGBTQ Center, the Director or designee from UNC Equal Opportunity and Compliance Office, and/or other University professionals deemed necessary will meet to address questions or concerns.