Payroll Procedures

We’re excited to have you join the Campus Rec team! Below is some very important information regarding being hired. 

To initiate the hiring process, complete the following steps–

Step 1:

You must complete the Campus Recreation payroll packet—

Step 2:

Gather acceptable forms of ID to complete the I- 9: All IDs must be originals, not copies!! Some options for acceptable forms of identification:

  1.         Current Passport;
  2.         Birth Certificate AND Photo ID (Driver’s License/One Card);
  3.         Social Security Card AND Photo ID (Driver’s License/One Card).

Step 3:

Bring all forms and ID’s to your supervisor.  Your supervisor will review the information for accuracy and assign a pay rate.

Step 4:

Once your supervisor has signed off on the payroll packet, they will instruct you to bring the completed payroll packet AND proper IDs to the Campus Recreation main office in 101 of the Student Recreation Center at your designated appointment time.

You must be hired before you begin working. If you do not complete the electronic I-9 then you will not be hired!


If you have received a work study award, notify your supervisor and apply online for the position. Your supervisor must hire you through the work study employment page then follow Steps 1 through 4 (above).


International Students (non U.S. citizens) MUST have a valid Permanent Resident Card or Alien Registration Card (GREEN CARD) OR current VISA and passport. Visit the FedEx Global Education Center if you do not have these documents.


Complete the Employment Information form in Step 1 and complete Step 3.